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Blossom Themes

Saturday, October 18, 2014


THE TOMORROW CHILDREN .A collaboration between Q-Games the team behind the PixelJunk games and Sony’s Japan Studio, this delightful looking title mixes elements of Minecraft and tower defence games. You’ll have to mine and collect resources and use these to create combatants to help you defend your town from invading monsters.

Particularly interesting is that, while it is a single player game, there will be an online element in that you’ll see apparitions representing other players going about their business as you move throughout the game world. While it seems that you’ll not interact directly with other players, you will be part of a town that each player will be working towards the betterment of and will be rewarded for making positive contributions to that town. Sounds very interesting.

One title that we are very familiar with, given that we’ve very much enjoyed playing it on Vita, is Tearaway. You might think that means that we’ve little interest in its recently announced PS4 version.

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Blossom Themes